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Shows: Doug Urbanski


  • 8 plays in 30 days
  • Trend: +4.5%

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Doug Urbanski

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Urbanski has gained wide acclaim in talk radio and entertainment where he has won awards for his theatrical productions on Broadway and London's West End, took home a British Academy Award for Best Picture, has produced Academy Award nominated films, and as a talent manager, represented major artists associated with three of the biggest franchise pictures in history: the Harry Potter series, the Batman series, and the Crocodile Dundee series. The Washington Post singled him out for his "dead-on impression" of President Obama's former Director of the White House National Economic Council, Larry Summers, in the country's hottest movie, The Social Network, written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by David Fincher. Currently, Urbanski is in London serving as Executive Producer of the film version of John LeCarre's cold war spy thriller, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, starring Gary Oldman and Colin Firth, to be released in 2011.